Book List & Sale
SATURDAY, OCT. 19th Humboldt County Library, Eureka Main
10:00AM -2:00PM
Thank you for supporting the 2024 Author Festival which continues the tradition of bringing 25 authors to our schools and libraries this fall throughout Humboldt County. The proceeds from this book sale help offset the cost of hosting professional children’s authors.
The book list below is a draft document and highly fluid. Quantities are limited.
Author Festival Bibliography 2024
Caroline Arnold
A Day & Night in the Desert Ages 5-8 PB 9.99
A Day & Night in the Forest Ages 5-8 PB 7.95
A Day & Night in the Rainforest Ages 5-8 PB 7.95
Birds: Natures's Magnificent Ages 4-8 PB 7.95
Butterflies in Room 6 Ages 3-7 PB 7.99
Butterflies in Room 6 Ages 3-7 HC 16.99
Hatching Chicks in Room 6 Ages 3-7 PB 7.99
Hatching Chicks in Room 6 Ages 3-7 HC 16.99
Keeper of the Light Ages 4-8 HC 18.99
Living Fossils: Clues to the Past Ages 3-7 PB 7.99
My Friend from Outer Space Ages 4-10 PB 9.99
Planting a Garden in Room 6 Ages 3-7 PB 7.99
Planting a Garden in Room 6 Ages 3-7 HC 16.99
Settlement House Girl Ages 10-up PB 14.99
Too Hot, Too Cold Ages 6-9 PB 7.95
A Warmer World Ages 7-10 PB 7.95
Wiggle & Waggle Ages 5-8 PB 6.99
Sudipta Bardhan Quallen
The Adventures of Caveboy Ages 5-8 PB 7.99
Cake vs. Pie Ages 4-8 HC 19.99
Chicks Rock Ages 4-8 HC 16.99
Chicks Rule! Ages 4-8 HC 16.99
Chicks Run Wild Ages 2-6 HC 19.99
Duck, Duck, Moose Baby-2 Board 7.99
Hampire! Ages 4-8 HC 16.99
Princess Bea's Pony Parade Ages 4-8 PB 7.99
Princess Kira's Kiwi Jubliee Ages 4-8 PB 7.99
Quackenstein Hatches a Family Ages 3-5 PB 4.99
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks! Ages 4-8 Board 7.99
Mermicorns Series
#1 Sparkle Magic Ages 6-9 PB 5.99
#2 A Friendship Problem Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#2 A Friendship Problem Ages 6-9 HC 12.99
#3 The Invisible Mix-up Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#3 The Invisible Mix-up Ages 6-9 HC 12.99
#4 Sniffles & Surprises Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
Purrmaids Series
#1 Scaredy Cat Ages 5-9 PB 6.99
#2 Catfish Club Ages 6-8 PB 6.99
#3 Sea Sick Seahorse Ages 6-8 PB 5.99
#4 Search for the Mermicorn Ages 4-8 PB 5.99
#5 A Star Purr-formance Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#6 Quest for Clean Water Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#7 Kittens in the Kitchen Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#8 Merry Fish-mas Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#9 Kitten Campout Ages 6-9 PB 5.99
#10 Grrreat New Friendship Ages 6-9 PB 5.99
#11 Purr-fect Pumpkin Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#12 Party Animals Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#13 Purr-ty in Pink Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#14 Contest Cat-tastrophe Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
#15 Olympic Shell-ebration Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
Bob Barner
Animals! Matching Game Ages 4 up Game 16.99
Ants Rule: The Long & Short of It Ages 4-8 PB 7.99
Benny's Pennies Ages 3-6 PB 8.99
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs Ages 2-4 PB 7.99
The Day of the Dead Ages 4-8 PB 8.99
Dem Bones Ages 3-6 PB 7.99
Fish Wish Ages 4-8 Board 7.99
Go, Go, Go (I like to Read) Ages 4-8 PB 7.99
I Have a Garden Ages 4-8 PB 7.99
Look, Look, Look Baby-3 Board 8.99
My Dog Has Fleas Ages 4-8 HC 17.99
Snap! Chomp Your Jaws Ages 5-6 Novelty 14.99
Snap! Stick Out Your Tongue Baby-3 Novelty 14.99
Tengo un Jardin (Spanish) Ages 4-8 PB 8.99
Martha Brockenbrough
Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary Ages 12-up PB 12.99
Frank and the Bad Surprise Ages 6-9 HC 14.99
Frank and the Masked Cat Ages 6-12 HC 14.99
Future Tense: How We Made A.I. Ages 12-up HC 22.99
The Game of Love and Death Ages 12-up PB 12.99
I Am An American: Wong Kim Ark Story Ages 4-8 HC 18.99
This Old Dog Ages 4-7 HC 17.99
To Catch a Thief Ages 8-12 HC 17.99
Unpresidented: A Biography of Donald Trump Ages 12-up HC 18.99
Erik Brooks
Belgua Whales, Grizzly Tales & More Alaska
Kidsnacks Ages 3-7 PB 10.99
Boo's Dinosaur Ages 6-9 PB 15.99
Cat Diaries Ages 7-9 PB 7.99
Dog Diaries Ages 7-9 HC 16.95
If I Were a Bear Baby-3 Board 10.99
If I Were a Bird Baby-3 Board 9.99
If I Were a Whale Baby-3 Board 10.99
Polar Opposites Ages 2-6 HC 16.99
The Runaway Tortilla Ages 5-8 PB 10.99
Sea Star Wishes Ages 4-8 PB 10.99
Tino the Tortoise Ages 5-9 PB 11.99
Totem Tale: A Tall Story from Alaska Ages 3-7 PB 11.99
Who Has These Feet? Ages 4-7 HC 19.99
Gennnifer Choldenko
Al Capone Does My Homework Ages 10-12 PB 8.99
Al Capone Does My Shirts Ages 10-12 PB 8.99
Al Capone Shines My Shoes Ages 10-12 PB 9.99
Al Capone Throws Me a Curve Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
Chasing Secrets Ages 9-12 PB 8.99
Dad and the Dinosaur Ages 5-8 HC 18.99
Dogtown Ages 8-12 HC 17.99
If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
Mouse and His Dog Ages 8-12 HC 17.99
One-Third Nerd Ages 8-12 PB 8.99
Orphan Eleven Ages 8-12 PB 8.99
The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman Ages 10-up HC 17.99
J. Anderson Coats
The Green Children of Woolpit Ages 10-up PB 7.99
The Loss of the Burying Ground YA HC 18.99
The Many Reflections of Miss Jane Deming Ages 10-up PB 8.99
The Night Ride Ages 8-12 PB 8.99
R is for Rebel Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
A Season Most Unfair Ages 10-up PB 8.99
Spindle and Dagger YA PB 10.99
Barry Deutsch
Hereville Series
How Mirka Met a Meteorite Ages 8-12 HC 17.95
How Mirka Got Her Swowrd Ages 8-12 PB 12.99
How Mirka Caught a Fish Ages 8-12 HC 17.95
Wings of Fire Series
Brightest Night Ages 8-10 PB 12.99
Dark Secret Ages 8-10 PB 12.99
Dragonet Prophecy Ages 8-11 PB 12.99
Hidden Kingdom Ages 8-10 PB 12.99
Lost Heir Ages 8-11 PB 12.99
Moon Rising Ages 8-11 PB 12.99
Winter Turning: A Graphic Novel Ages 8-11 PB 12.99
Kelly Milner Halls
All About Horses Ages 6-9 PB 8.99
Apollo 11 Q & A Ages 7-10 PB 7.99
Courageous Canine! Ages 8-12 PB 5.99
Cryptid Creatures Ages 7-12 PB 16.99
A Dinosaur for Washington Ages 8-12 HC 12.99
Famous Artists in History Ages 8-12 PB 9.99
Heroes of World War II Ages 7-12 PB 14.99
The History of the Titanic Ages 6-9 PB 7.99
19th Century American History for Kids Ages 9-12 PB 9.99
Tiger in Trouble Ages 8-11 PB 5.99
World War II History for Kids Ages 8-12 PB 15.99
Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw
Like You, Like Me Ages 4-8 HC 18.99
Luna and Me Ages 5-9 HC 19.99
Papa Brings Me the World Ages 3-6 HC 18.99
Kirby Larson
Audacity Jones to the Rescue Ages 8-12 PB 6.99
Code Word Courage Ages 8-12 PB 8.99
The Friendship Doll Ages 9-12 PB 7.99
Gut Reaction Ages 8-12 HC 18.99
Hattie Big Sky Ages 10-13 PB 8.99
Hattie Ever After Ages 10-13 PB 13.00
Nanea: The Spirit of Aloha Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
Nanea: Hula for the Homefront Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
Nubs Ages 4-9 HC 18.99
Shermy & Shake: Not So New Kid Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
Shermy & Shake: Not So Nice Neighbor Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
Two Bobbies Ages 5-8 HC 18.99
Andrea J. Loney
Abby in Orbit Series
#1 Blast Off Ages 7-10 PB 6.99
#3 All Systems Whoa Ages 7-10 PB 6.99
The Antiracist Kitchen Ages 9-12 HC 29.95
BunnyBear Ages 4-8 PB 7.99
Chicken Soup for the Soul BABIES Baby-3 Board 8.99
Curve & Flow Ages 4-8 HC 18.99
Double Bass Blues Ages 4-8 HC 18.99
No Voice Too Small Ages 5-9 HC 18.99
Take a Picture of Me James Van Der Zee! Ages 7-11 HC 20.95
VIP: Stacey Abrams: Voting Visionary Ages 8-12 PB 5.99
Maureen McGarry
Louie Learns a Lesson Ages 7-9 PB 20.00
Bethanie Murguia
The Best Parts of Christmas Ages 3-7 HC 14.99
Cockatoo, Too Ages 3-6 Board 7.99
Do You Believe in Unicorns? Ages 3-7 HC 14.99
The Favorite Book Ages 3-7 HC 16.99
I Feel Five Ages 3-5 HC 15.99
Snippet the Early Riser Ages 3-7 HC 15.99
Violet & Victor Write the Best -Ever Book Ages 3-5 HC 17.00
Wagnificent: The Adventures of Thunder Ages 6-10 PB 13.99
We Disagree Baby-8 HC 17.99
What's Your Name Ages 3-7 HC 18.99
When You Take a Step Baby-8 HC 18.99
Robin Newman
Don't Call Me Fuzzybutt! Ages 5-8 HC 16.99
Grandma Goes to the Galapagos Ages 5-8 PB 15.99
No Peacocks! Ages 3-6 14.99 PB 16.99
Who's Writing This Story?! Ages 7-11 HC 19.99
Wilcox & Griswold Mysteries
#1 The Case of the Missing Carrot Cake Ages 6-9 HC 18.99
#2 The Case of Bad Apples Ages 5-11 HC 18.99
#3 The Case of the Poached Egg Ages 5-11 HC 15.95
Carmen Oliver Bears Make the Best Math Buddies Ages 5-7 HC 17.95
Bears Make the Best Math Buddies Ages 5-7 PB 9.99
Bears Make the Best Reading Buddies Ages 5-7 PB 9.99
Bears Make the Best Science Buddies Ages 5-7 PB 9.99
Bears Make the Best Writing Buddies Ages 5-7 HC 17.95
Building an Orchestra of Hope Ages 4-9 HC 18.99
The Twilight Library Ages 4-8 HC 18.95
A Voice for the Spirit Bears Ages 6-9 HC 18.99
Alexis O'Neill
The Efficient, Inventive Melvil Dewey Ages 7-10 HC 18.99
Estela's Swap Ages 1-4 PB 11.95
The Kite tht Bridged Two Nations Ages 7-10 HC 16.95
Jacob Riis's Camera Ages 7-10 HC 18.99
Loud Emily Ages 2-7 PB 9.99
The Recess Queen Ages 5-7 HC 18.99
Mark H. Parsons
The 9:09 Project Ages 12-17 HC 18.99
The 9:09 Project Ages 12-17 PB 12.99
Road Rash Ages 12-15 PB 9.99
Carrie Pearson
Real Princesses Change the World Ages 4-8 HC 18.99
Stretch to the Sun Ages 5-8 HC 17.99
Virginia Wouldn't Slow Down Ages 4-8 HC 18.95
A Warm Winter Tail Ages 4-7 PB 11.95
Caroline Starr Rose
Blue Birds Ages 10-12 PB 10.99
May B Ages 8-13 PB 8.99
Miraculous Ages 10-12 HC 17.99
My Brother is Away Ages 5-8 HC 18.99
A Race Around the World Ages 4-8 HC 16.99
Heidi Schulz
Giraffe's Ruin Everything Ages 3-6 HC 16.99
Hooks Revenge Series
#1 Hook's Revenge Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
#1 Hook's Revenge Ages 8-12 HC 16.99
#2 Hook's Revenge: The Pirate Code Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
Lori Snyder
The Circus at the End of the Sea Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
Wendelin Van Draanen
Confessions of a Serial Kisser Ages 12-17 PB 14.00
Flipped Ages 12-17 PB 10.99
Gecko and Sticky Series
#1 Villian's Lair Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
#2 The Greatest Power Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
#3 Sinister Substitute Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
#4 Power Potion Ages 8-12 PB 7.99
Gravity is Bringing Me Down Ages 4-8 HC 18.99
Hope in the Mail Ages 12-up PB 9.99
Mr. Whiskers and the Shenanigan Sisters Ages 8-12 HC 16.99
The Peach Rebellion Ages 12-up PB 11.99
Runaway Ages 10-up PB 9.99
The Running Dream Ages 12-up PB 12.99
Wild Bird Ages 12-up PB 11.99
Sammy Keyes Series
#1 Sammy Keyes & the Hotel Thief Ages 8-12 PB 8.99
#2 Sammy Keyes & the Skeleton Man Ages 10-up PB 8.99
#3 Sammy Keyes & the Sisters of Mercy Ages 10-up PB 9.99
#4 Sammy Keyes & the Runaway Elf Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
#5 Sammy Keyes $ the Curse of Moustache Mary Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
#6 Sammy Keyes & the Hollywood Mummy Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
#7 Sammy Keyes & the Search for Snake Eyes Ages 10-up PB 8.99
#8 Sammy Keyes & the Art of Deception Ages 10-12 PB 9.99
#9 Sammy Keyes & the Psycho Kitty Queen Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
#10 Sammy Keyes & the Dead Giveaway Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
#11 Sammy Keyes & the Wild Things Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
#13 Sammy Keyes & the Wedding Crasher Ages 10-12 PB 8.99
#14 Sammy Keyes & Night of Skulls Ages 10-12 PB 10.99
#15 Sammy Keyes & the Power of Justice Jack Ages 10-12 PB 7.99
#16 Sammy Keyes & the Showdown in Sin City Ages 10-12 PB 9.99
#18 Sammy Keyes & the Kiss Goodbye Ages 10-12 PB 9.99
The Secret Life of Lincoln Jones Ages 8-12 PB 9.99
Shredderman Series
#1 Shredderman : Secret Identity Ages 7-9 PB 7.99
#2 Shredderman: Attack of the Tagger Ages 7-9 PB 7.99
#3 Shredderman: Meet the Gecko Ages 7-9 PB 6.99
#4 Shredderman: Enemy Spy Ages 7-9 PB 7.99
Nancy Viau
Beauty and Bernice Ages 8-12 HC 12.99
First Snow Ages 4-8 HC 16.99
Just One Thing! Ages 8-12 HC 12.99
Samantha Hansen Has Rocks in Her Head Ages 8-12 HC 16.99
Something is Bugging Samantha Hansen Ages 8-12 HC 16.99
Splish Splash! First to Last Ages 5-7 HC 16.99
Storm Song Ages 3-6 PB 9.99
Today is a Beach Day! Ages 4-8 HC 16.99
Natasha Wing
Fresh Snow! Ages 5-8 PB 9.79
Jalapeno Bagels Ages 5-8 HC 18.99
The Night Before Election Day Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before First Grade Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before Halloween Ages 3-6 PB 4.99
The Night Before Hanukkah Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before Kwanzaa Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before Kindergarten Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before Lunar New Year Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before My Birthday Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before My Dance Recital Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before Second Grade Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before St. Patrick's Day Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before Thanksgiving Ages 3-6 PB 4.99
The Night Before the New Baby Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before the 100th Day of School Ages 3-6 PB 5.99
The Night Before Valentine's Day Ages 3-6 PB 4.99
Saltwater Sillies: 300 Jokes for Buoys & Gulls Ages 5-10 PB 7.99
Squeak-a-Boo Baby-3 Board 9.99
The Story of Audrey Hepburn Ages 6-9 PB 7.99
The Story of Eliza Hamilton Ages 6-9 PB 6.99
When Jackie Saved Grand Central Ages 6-9 HC 17.99
The Wire Zoo Ages 4-8 HC 18.99